As we head into the holiday season, there’s a certain excitement in the air — we get together with friends and family, and indulge in the festive foods that we look forward to all year long! The holidays are the perfect time to enjoy your favorite sweets and savories, and — I don’t know about you — it’s easy to go a little overboard on the holiday goodies.
Dr. Morrison suggests proactively taking care of your gut health during this time, so you can feel your best throughout the holidays! To help you keep a healthy and balanced gut AND still enjoy all your favorite holiday foods and drink — here are Dr. Morrison’s tips to help you stay on track with your healthy lifestyle during the holiday season and into the new year!
What supplements help support gut health and how are they helpful?
- Benezyme
- Ox Bile
- Essential Formula
- Activated Charcoal
Benezyme 1 to 2 capsules before meals (1 for small meals and 2 for larger meals): to help digestion of protein, fats and carbohydrates. Benezyme is a mix of Pancreatic enzymes which are essential for the digestion of protein, fats and carbohydrates. Dr. Morrison suggests taking this when you’re concerned that your daily stress levels are affecting your digestion… It's also ideal to take during seasons of increased holiday activities.
Check out our Thanksgiving Strategies for a Happier, Healthier Holiday for tips on how to fully enjoy your holiday celebration with your loved ones and keep your healthy lifestyle on track! Not to give away the punchline… it does involve eating your vegetables!
The holidays come around once a year — celebrate to the fullest, while maintaining the healthy lifestyle you have worked so hard to achieve through the year!
Wishing a safe and healthy holiday season, to you and your family!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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